Whirlpool is a world-renowned company for making high-quality and long-lasting home appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, air conditioners, etc. But what does it mean when the dryer in your home washing machine is not heating up?
If your Whirlpool dryer does not heat up or has other heat-up problems, the most common cause is a blown circuit breaker, bad heating element, bad fuse, a faulty thermostat, improper loading, faulty igniter, and clogged vents or lint traps.
In today’s article, we will look at the problem of Whirlpool dryer,s not heating and other heat-ups, and we will also get information on how to fix this problem.
Whirlpool Dryer Not Heating? Try These Troubleshooting Tips:
Many users have a problem with their Whirlpool dryer not getting hot. But this is a common problem for many dryers, especially the age of the dryer. There can be many reasons for this problem.
We are going to look at some common problems that cause a whirlpool dryer not to heat up. It is always easy to test the internal mechanisms of the machine and check the small contents before disassembling your machine.
What to Do When Your Circuit Breaker Blows:
Many machines require two separate breakers to operate the dryer. These are the times when one breaker may blow, but the other continues to work. If a blown circuit breaker occurs, you may not get the 110 volts you need to turn on your dryer, but there is no juice from a 220-volt breaker that allows your dryer to heat up.
How to Fix a Blown Circuit Breaker:
Any type of blown circuit breaker is cheap and easy to fix. Look in your breaker box and check if the breaker is on or off, then turn it on. This solution should solve the problem. If the breaker trip still continues, you need to replace it.
The Importance of a Heating Element:
Another problem may be a defect in the heating element that heats your dryer. The dryer cannot produce hot air when the heating element is defective.
Instead of the warm feeling you get from a working dryer, it feels cold when your clothes dry cycle is over. Some garments that do not dry during the first cycle require frequent drying.
How to Fix Heating Element:
To double-check the heating element in your machine, you will need to remove the back panel of the dryer for the top loader or perhaps the drum for the front-loading dryers. After disconnecting the power and opening the access, check the heating element. This part looks like a stretched door spring to you.
If the problem is in your heating element, then you will see cracks or breaks somewhere in it. You can also check this problem with the help of a multimeter. The “no continuity” code means your element is bad.
Troubleshooting Fuse Problems:
A bad fuse causes your Whirlpool dryer to overheat. There are many fuses to check throughout the dryer that can stop your dryer from overheating.
Some of these fuses are on the heating element, and the rest are on the blower housing. Where your fuse is will depend on your Whirlpool model.
How to Fix Fuse Problems:
The easiest way to check where to fuse your machine is to go to Whirlpool’s website and check according to its model number or check according to its user manual.
Once you know where to find the fuse, you can check each fuse with the help of a multimeter. It should be easy for most customers to replace these parts without the need for a professional.
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My Whirlpool Dryer Is Running, but There Is No Heat:
Many people have a problem where the dryer goes through a regular cycle. But when you go to take out the clothes, you will find that your dryer does not produce heat. When your machine’s dryer is running but does not generate heat, there may be a problem with the operating thermostat, high-limit thermostat, fuse, or heating element.
We have already talked about the problem mentioned above, so we will not discuss it here. But clogged vents can be another common cause of your machine not being dry while running.
Clogged Vents:
If you see signs that your dryer is getting hot, but the clothes are not drying. It could be that your dryer vent is full. Or you may have a vent that is too long or broken.
When the vent closes, it can cause a lot of problems for parts of your dryer. You should investigate this issue before using the more challenging solution.
How to Fix Clogged Vents:
Check your dryer vent for tears or twists. Also, consider the length of your tube. Vents require less than sixty feet, but after a 90-degree angle, only 25 to 35 feet. Separate the hose from your dryer and from the wall to see into the vent. If we see a clog, use a long handle like a broom to push the clog free.
How to Fix a Whirlpool Dryer Heating Not Drying Problem:
If your Whirlpool dryer gets hot but does not dry out, one of the common reasons may be that it is due to a failed mechanism. To save your precious time and energy, try to test all kinds of simple problems before moving on to more technical issues.
So let’s look at some common reasons why a dryer gets hot but doesn’t dry. First of all, always check your lint trap to make sure it is not full. Sometimes even such a simple solution can fix the problem. If this is not the case, then keep checking for the solution below.
Dryer Too Full: Tips for Avoiding Overloading:
Each dryer comes with its maximum capacity of how many clothes you can throw. By the time you put more clothes in the dryer than instructed, there is less space for hot air to circulate.
When there is not enough air circulation, you can finish with clothes that are still wet, especially in the middle.
How to Fix Dryer Too Full:
Thanks if the solution to this problem is easy. With each load, you reduce the number of clothes you add to your dryer’s drum.
You should not fill your dryer with more than ¾ wet clothes. The extra ¼ spaces give enough space to move the air better. It also keeps the clothes loose enough so that they can be messed up and dried properly.
Wet and Cold Clothes:
Another common reason for adding dry clothes is that the dryer does not dry out. Such a problem is the result of a weak spin cycle when washing clothes.
Water should not be added after washing clothes if you take off your clothes or see water dripping. So your dryer will not dry it. Due to the excess weight of water flowing from the clothes, the cycle of your dryer may also stop in the middle.
How to Fix Wet and Cold Clothes:
The best way to fix a dryer that does not allow dripping wet clothes to dry is to remove the clothes from the dryer and put them back in the washing machine.
Switch your setting to the spin cycle so that excess moisture can be drawn from the clothes. If the extra spin doesn’t help, it means there may be a problem with your machine. In such cases, it is advisable to squeeze your clothes with the help of your hands to reduce excess moisture before putting them in the dryer.
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Are You Having Trouble with Your Whirlpool Dryer Not Heating Enough?
Another problem may be that the dryer gets hot, but it is not getting hot enough to dry your clothes. Your clothes may feel as if you have hung them out to dry on a cold day when you take them out of a full-cycle dryer.
A common cause of dryers that do not get hot enough is a mechanical problem. It may have a bad heating element. Whether you have a gas or an electric dryer can also play a role in causing the problem.
The thermostat is a defect that causes a Whirlpool dryer to not provide enough heat to dry clothes. Some whirlpool machines come with two thermostats depending on their model. That’s all you need to check.
The upper limit thermostat is a safety precaution that prevents it at a safe temperature. These are often thermal fuses that can default, allowing cold air to blow into your dryer.
Another thermostat to check is cycling which controls the heating element and when hot air occurs. When the cycling thermostat hangs open, it will blow cold air.
How to Fix Thermostat:
Defective thermostats will need to be replaced if you want your dryer to function normally as before. Most experts recommend that if you replace the high-temperature thermostat, you should also replace the cycling thermostat. If the cycling thermostat gets stuck in a closed position, it can cause your dryer to overheat, which can be dangerous.
Dryers that contain gas heating elements have an igniter. If your dryer is electric. So you don’t have to worry about all this. If your gas dryer doesn’t get hot enough. So the first thing to check is the igniter, which controls when the gas light produces heat. When the igniter breaks, the pilot never ignites; that is, there is no flame or heat.
How to Fix Ignitor:
To check your igniter, you will need to unplug your dryer and remove the burner housing. Check the igniter for signs of damage. The defective igniter may have cracks, breakage, or yellow-to-white burn marks. If you can see this problem, then you need to change this part.
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Why Is Your Whirlpool Dryer Heating But Not Drying Clothes Completely?
If your machine’s dryer is getting hot, but your clothes don’t seem to be drying completely. So you seem to be facing one of these three problems. There are two reasons why a dryer that is hot does not dry your clothes completely. The first reason is that it is full of clothes and the vent is also full. And the second reason is that it’s a perfect lint trap.
The Lint Trap: Tips and Tricks:
Each dryer comes with a lint guard that works to collect small pieces of debris that can get into your dryer parts and cause problems. When you let the vent get too full, no new lint can be collected, which leads to fire-like accidents and prevents your clothes from drying out.
How to Fix Full Lint Trap:
The perfect lint tramp is the easiest issue to solve. Take out your trap and remove all the built-up lint. Throw it in the trash or use it to light a bonfire. For best use, you should clean your lint guard after each use. But do not go more than three cycles without cleaning.
Whirlpool Dryer Stopped Working Mid-Cycle:
Lint is the most common culprit for your dryer overheating and shutting down mid-cycle. This can happen even if you are not in the habit of cleaning the lint filter regularly. All loads should be emptied before drying. Letting it just build up means the lint escapes into the exhaust hose and possibly the vents in your home.
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Whirlpool Dryer Not Drying in One Cycle:
Clogged air vents are a common cause of poor airflow in clothes drying systems. One way to check if your dryer’s air vent is clogged is to turn on your dryer and go outside to feel the airflow coming out of the vent. If it’s slow and not too hot, your vent may be due for a good cleaning.
Whirlpool Dryer Not Drying Well:
Clogged air vents are a common cause of poor airflow in clothes drying systems. One way to check if your dryer’s air vent is clogged is to turn on your dryer and go outside to feel the airflow coming out of the vent. If it’s slow and not too hot, your vent may be due for a good cleaning.
Whirlpool Dryer Not Heating Electric:
If you are also suffering from the problem of the Whirlpool dryer not heating up at all. So one of the most common reasons is that it has a faulty heating element. The heating element consists of a coil of wire inside a metal chamber. If the coil breaks, the heating element will no longer heat and will need to be replaced. Unplug the dryer from the power source.
Whirlpool Dryer Not Heating Up:
If you are also suffering from the problem of the Whirlpool dryer not heating up at all. So one of the most common reasons is that it has a faulty heating element. The heating element consists of a coil of wire inside a metal chamber. If the coil breaks, the heating element will no longer heat and will need to be replaced. Unplug the dryer from the power source.
Brand New Whirlpool Dryer Not Heating: What to Do?
If you are also suffering from the problem of the Whirlpool dryer not heating up at all. So one of the most common reasons is that it has a faulty heating element. The heating element consists of a coil of wire inside a metal chamber. If the coil breaks, the heating element will no longer heat and will need to be replaced. Unplug the dryer from the power source.
Whirlpool Front Load Dryer Troubleshooting:
This means you can see a “PF” error code on your dryer’s display. Your machine’s power has just failed. So for this, you will need to reset the dryer and start again. This is done by pressing “Start” for a few seconds to restart the dryer. If the dryer does not restart automatically, select a new cycle and any options, then press “Start” to begin.
My Whirlpool Dryer Is Not Drying My Clothes:
When your clothes are very wet, they may take a little longer to dry than they should, or you may find that your Whirlpool dryer does not dry the clothes in one cycle. Make sure you select a wash setting with an adequate spin cycle to reduce moisture on the garment before drying. If clothes are left very wet after washing, your washer may need repair.
Most Commonly Asked Questions:
What Causes a Whirlpool Dryer to Not Heat Up?
When a gas or electric whirlpool dryer does not heat up, it can usually cause this. Burn heating element or gas valve solenoid, burn thermal cut-off fuse, defective cycling thermostat or gas igniter, defective flame sensor.
Why Is My Dryer Running but Not Heating?
Common causes of electric or gas dryer overheating are not tripped circuit breakers, clogged vents, and gas flow. Other defective causes include thermal fuse and broken heating elements.
Why Is the Dryer Blowing Cold Air?
One of the most common reasons your tumble dryer decides to vent cold air instead of heat is, ironically, because it gets too hot. If your tumble dryer does not have a reset button, you may need to replace your thermostat and thermal overload cut-out (TOC).
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Final Thoughts:
As we saw in today’s article, Whirlpool Dryer gives the common cause of heat problems and all kinds of heatstroke. The most common causes of dryer heat problems to recap are:
- Circuit breaker.
- Heating element.
- Fuse.
- Thermostats.
- Improper loading.
- Thermostats.
- Igniter.
- Clogged vents or lint traps.