What Is a Solenoid Coil? | Types of Solenoid Coil

Types Of Solenoid Coil

A solenoid coil is a common electrical component that is used a lot in everyday life. The word is derived from the Greek “solen” which means a long pipe or channel. While the other word is also derived from the Greek “eidos” which refers to an outline, it is a component in the form of a pipe.

It is used in different places due to which many types of solenoids are also available in different designs. Each solenoid has its own properties that can only be used in a specific space. It cannot be changed by the way it is used, but it can be designed according to its needs.

In today’s article, we will talk about what is a solenoid coil, what are its types, what is its working principle, and what are its applications.

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What is a Solenoid Coil and Working Principle:

A solenoid coil is a common component consisting of a coil made of wire that is wrapped around a core made of metal. When current is passed through the coil the magnetic field has to be combined with its effect.

First electricity changes into magnetism then it changes into electricity so these forces merge into one. One special thing about the same field in a solenoid coil is that if its length is greater, the magnetic field will be the same everywhere along with this element.

The solenoid in the coil often translates into very small electrical components that are capable of working in wonderful quantities. For example, a valve can be easily closed with the help of a solenoid coil which usually demands manual closing.

Types of Solenoid Coil:

There are many types of solenoid coils available in the market but they differ in terms of material, design, and work used but all types of solenoid coils work on the same electrical principle.

But it is mainly divided into 5 parts which are as follows:

Sr. No. Types of Solenoid Coil
#1. AC Laminated Solenoid Coil
#2. DC C – frame Solenoid Coil
#3. DC D – Frame Solenoid Coil
#4. Linear Solenoid Coil
#5. Rotary Solenoid Coil

#1. AC Laminated Solenoid Coil:

AC Laminated Solenoid Coil

AC laminated solenoid is known for the amount of force that can occur in its first stroke. It can use longer strokes compared to DC solenoids. It is available in different configurations and ranges. This type of solenoid coil produces a clean buzz when used.

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#2. DC C – Frame Solenoid Coil:

DC C–Frame Solenoid

DC C – Frame Solenoid uses a C-shaped frame that covers the coil from 3 sides. This type of coil can be used in various applications such as gaming machines, photography shutters, scanners, circuit breakers, coin counters, etc. It can also be designed for use with AC power.

#3. DC D – Frame Solenoid Coil:

DC D–Frame Solenoid

A two-part frame is used to cover this type of frame. Its function is similar to that of a C frame cover so it can be used with AC power and is controlled by stroke operation. DC D-frame solenoids are used in gaming machines, ATM machines, etc.

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#4. Linear Solenoid Coil:

Linear Solenoid

Many people are familiar with this type of solenoid. A coil made of wire is wrapped around movable metalcore that is used to pull or push a mechanical device. It is used in a variety of spaces, mostly in early appliances.

The switching mechanism is helpful to complete the circuit which allows the current to flow. Linear Solenoid is used exclusively in the automobile industry and for opening and closing high-security doors and in-car and bike starter motors.

#5. Rotary Solenoid Coil:

Rotary Solenoid

This is a special type of solenoid that is used in a variety of spaces wherever an automatic control system is used to make human life easier. Its construction and the materials used in it are similar to other solenoids and have the same working principle but they have a different function.

The metal core is also fitted in a fixed way with small grooves underneath. The size of the grooves fits exactly with the slots in the body of the solenoid. It also uses ball bearings to drive its speed properly. When the solenoid is turned, the core is pulled into the body of the solenoid and the disc core begins to rotate. In this setup, a spring is used between the core and the solenoid body.

Once the power is off, the spring returns the disc core to its original position. This solenoid is stronger than other solenoids. It was originally designed for security purposes but has since been used in automatic control systems and in many automated industries such as lasers and shutters.

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Applications of Solenoid Coil:

  • It is used for a special type of door locking which uses electromagnets to provide very high security.
  • It is used in the manufacture of various devices such as computer printers, fuel injection gear used on cars, etc.
  • This is used to turn on and off an electrically operated valve.
  • The main advantage of this is that the system responds quickly when it is powered.
  • Rapid response is one of the most important factors in resolving the applications of solenoids.

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Andrew is a researcher and tech writer passionate about all things tech. He has written for many different publications and websites and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

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