Difference Between AC and DC Generator | AC VS DC Generator

Hello friends, what is the difference between AC Generator and DC Generator in today’s article?

The DC generator generates DC current and voltages in the same way that the AC generator generates AC current and voltage as we know. The peculiarity of the AC generator is that it can increase or decrease the output voltage as per the requirement while the DC generator generates constant voltage and does not change as per the requirement.

There are two main types of electrical energy, one is alternating current and the other is direct current. The power we use in home consumption is AC power. While the power from the battery is DC power. They have different uses of power and also have different characteristics.

The method of generating AC and DC power is similar which is called electromagnetic induction. A machine that generates electric power is known as a generator. The way AC and DC generators are applied to pass the current produced in the external circuit is different from each other.

What is an Electrical Generator?

An Electrical Generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy based on the principle of electromagnetic. According to Faraday’s electromagnetic law when the conductor is straight lines

When a magnetic field intersects, emf is generated and it flows through these emf-induced conductors. The direction of the conductor is according to Fleming’s right-hand rule.

What is a DC Generator?

DC Generator is also a type of Electrical Generator Nose. Its function is also to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. But its output is found in the same direction whose figure is as follows.

Difference Between AC Generator and DC Generator


Basic  AC Generator  DC Generator 
Output Power AC generates electric power DC generates electric power
Rings slipping are used The commutator is used as a slipring
Current induction The output current can be induced in the rotor or stator This current can only be induced in the rotor
Maintenance Requires less maintenance than a DC generator so is more reliable Requires more maintenance than an AC generator
Voltage Level Used for very high voltages. Used for low voltage in proportion.
Types Rotating armature, Rotating field Single-phase, Three-phase Permanent magnet, Separately-excited, Self-excited
Commutators These do not have commuters The commutator is used to prevent the effect of the changing pole
Direction The direction of the current is always changing The direction of the current does not always change
Voltage Distribution Voltage can be easily distributed with the help of the transformer AC is hard to distribute in comparison
Design Design is simple Design is complex
Investment   Requires high investment Requires less investment

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Hey, I am Vishnu Patil and I'm an Electrical Engineer and Electrical maestro. I have more than 10 years of experience with electricals. Through ElectricalGang I want to spread my knowledge with everyone else.

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